Our Story


Welcome to Timbered Omens!

   We started in 2018 after a workplace accident turned our lives upside down. Ted was a heavy-duty mechanic, and I was social worker. In early 2018 when he was hurt at work, we found ourselves both at home trying to navigate what had happened and what our future was going to look like.

   The only comfort he could find was in the space of our single car garage. His grandfather always had a woodshop when he was growing up, so he decided to try his hands at woodwork. He found himself a used scroll saw at a pawn shop. So, he started to tinker, between his panic attacks, anxiety, and PTSD he was finding some normalcy, where he could feel like he was doing something. He practiced on it for hours and before we knew it, he was getting messages asking if he could make custom pieces. Something so small became a saving grace for his mental health and his recovery.

   I had always had a creative side but between school, work and raising two kids I had stopped using that part of my life as an outlet. It was such a change when we started this for myself that half the time, I had no clue what I was doing. But being able to take the time to utilize my creative skills again made the world of difference as we were taking to pick up the pieces after so many changes.

   This little business has been a whirlwind for us, it came to life under some very unfortunate circumstances and has turned into a place that we can create and be together as a family.

   When we started in 2018 Ted was cutting everything on a scroll saw by hand, by mid-2019 we purchased a CNC, this was a crazy learning curve, but we loved it. Then in March of 2020 we levelled up again and purchased a laser cutter. I have loved this part more then anything, I love the graphic design part of it and creating things that come to life. This whole process has been scary, but it has been so worth all the tears, stress and at times the uncertainty.

   We are both 100% self-taught, from learning how to use the tools we have acquired to the graphic design piece. We love how much Timbered Omens has taught us and we can wait to see what else we get to create in the years to come.

   We still are adjusting to all changes that have happened even after 3 years but now I would not change it for the world. Thank you to everyone that has helped bring our little business to life. We would not be here if it weren’t for all of you.